T: +44(0)1947 840618
F: +44(0)1947 841248
E: sales@clevelandrotary.co.uk
CLEVELAND ROTARY ENGINEERING can balance and repair rotating equipment of every size, from large low speed components down to small high speed items, that can be found in every possible Industry.
Extensive facilities are available for inspection, repairing or re-manufacturing of such machinery, especially centrifuges and augers. Typical jobs might include crack detection, welding, re-metalling of shafts, bearing replacement, hard facing, etc. Transport can be arranged if required.
Site balancing can also be undertaken by skilled operatives working to the highest standards of Safety.
CLEVELAND CORROSION CONTROL, our sister company has 40 years experience with rubber, fibreglass, and plastics for Industrial applications.
Such work includes Rubber Lining of pipes for corrosion protection; Rubber covering of Rollers; Rubber mouldings for duct connections; Flexible support systems; Gaskets, Etc., Etc.
Also available are Fibreglass and other plastics for manufacture of Ducts, Tanks, Hoppers, Covers and Silos, and for Emergency repairs.
This comprehensive range of services from one contractor allows You, the Customer will get the solution to any problem, and also allows the complete job to be done quickly and economically.
Please contact :-
Cleveland Rotary Engineering
E: sales@clevelandrotary.co.uk
Cleveland Corrosion Control
E: sales@clevelandcorrosion.co.uk
Staithes Indstrial Estate
TS13 5BB